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Dandelions Welcome!

Dandelions Welcome!

I saw the first spring dandelions in my yard the other day, and I say that’s great! My neighbors may not be so happy with me about that, but too bad. While others call them weeds, I say not so fast, because they really have a lot of positive sides. Be honest. Who, as...

Writing Challenge: What Revolution Will You Lead?

In the traditional sense, I don’t want to lead one. As an introvert, leading a large movement, trying to bring about social change, does not sound like something I would love at all! That sounds more like torture. However, if I look at “revolution” from a different...

Writing Challenge: What Difference Do You Want to Make?

At first this prompt led to a list because I am still trying to figure that out. But as I started pondering on it further, and looking at the list, I decided it might all have a theme after all. I want to live abundantly and encourage others to do so as well. An...

Writing Challenge: What’s Your Elevator Pitch?

This elevator pitch prompt is killing me. I have looked at articles online, including the Live Your Legend site, with suggestions for creating one. I’ve looked at my taglines, bio blurbs, etc. across multiple social media platforms. Nothing. I thought about my hobbies...

Writing Challenge: What is One Thing You’re Proud Of?

LOL Another toot your own horn topic. I could talk about graduating with honors in my degree field, or earning the specialist certificate. I could talk about all the work I did getting a new software system validated and ready to use at work. I could even touch on...